City of Vernon, Florida Alerts Vernon Water System Customers of Potentially Different Billing Format

The City of Vernon, Florida has alerted the customers of the Vernon water system that the bills for water service might look a little different this month.

The reason for the alert is that supplies of the normal postcards used to print bills was found to be low with the departure of the last clerk and deputy clerk, making the use of printed bills in regular envelopes a necessity in order to get the bills out on time this month.

‘We will stay here until all the bills are sent out’, said Interim Deputy Clerk Karen White, in response to queries about whether the lack of stock postcards would affect the timely receipt of the bills by customers.

‘Although water customers may receive a letter-style envelope instead of the printed single postcard, ‘says White, ‘the bills will be sent on time, so there should be no impact to the timeliness of the billing cycle’.