City of Vernon, Florida Schedules Visit By Santa Claus For Saturday, December 15, 2018

The City of Vernon, Florida recently gave local residents two Christmas presents. 
The first was the waiving of registration fees for City League Basketball, a savings of $30 per participant, announced last week.  

City officials decided to waive the normal fee structure in response to the fiscal hardships caused by October’s Hurricane Michael. 

The second gift is a surprise visit by Old Saint Nick, Santa Claus himself, on Saturday, December 15, 2018 on the Vernon Green in downtown Vernon, just south of the Vernon Bridge, as seen in these photos from events during past years by Real Florida Media, a subsidiary of The Goulding Agency in Chipley, Florida. 

The event is scheduled for 10AM-Noon, with Santa arriving around 11AM on Saturday, and already there is much anticipation in the region. 

‘We felt that we as a City had to do something to express our appreciation for our citizens, who have experienced so much hardship due to the storm damage, and who have been very patient with the City as we slowly recover from the impact to our infrastructure’, said Vernon Mayor Tina Sloan on Sunday, December 9, 2018 in an interview with Real Florida Magazine. 

Santa is expected to arrive and there will an opportunity to get photos taken with him, regardless of whether you are on the ‘naughty’ or ‘nice’ list.