FEMA, Federal, State and Local Officials To Meet With Citizens on Monday & Tuesday, October 22 & 23, 2018 To Discuss Disaster Relief in Washington County, Florida

On Monday, October 22, 2018, at 6:30PM in the Vernon, Florida High School Auditorium, representatives from FEMA, Senator George Gainer’s office, Representative Brad Drake’s office and Florida’s CFO Jimmy Patronis’ office, along with local and County officials, will come together in an open forum to discuss disaster relief with the citizens in the area.

On Tuesday, October 23, 2018, at 6:30PM, in the Chipley, Florida High School Auditorium, a similar meeting will take place.

‘This is an opportunity for our citizens to gets straight answers, right from the horse’s mouth, as it were’, said Washington County Commission Chairman Tray Hawkins as he announced the set of public meetings designed to demystify the disaster aid process.

‘FEMA will be providing representatives capable of answering the tough questions, and anyone with concerns about assistance should make plans to attend one of the meetings’, finished Hawkins.

‘We designed this process to include two meetings, in our two largest municipalities’, said Washington County Commissioner Todd Abbott, ‘and we hope that people will take advantage of the opportunity.  We all are getting lots of calls and questions about disaster relief and this will be a chance to get those questions answered.